Ozone Exposure Risks

Ozone is a highly unstable substance with strong oxidizing power and high reactivity. It also exhibits strong toxicity at high concentrations. Since ozone is not easily absorbed by water, when introduced into the respiratory system, it reaches the deep part of the lungs and can cause respiratory disorders (pulmonary edema, etc.).
In Japan, the Japan Society for Occupational Health and the Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association specify
0.1 ppm as the control concentration in the working environment.

Ozone concentration (ppm) Effects and actions on living organisms
0.01~0.02 ppm Odor can be smelt.
0.1 ppm Strong odor, irritation of the nose and throat.
0.2~0.5 ppm Symptoms of decreased vision appear within 3-6 hours.
0.5 ppm The upper respiratory tract is clearly irritated.
1~2 ppm Headache, chest pain, upper respiratory tract dryness, and cough occur within 2 hours.
5~10 ppm Symptoms of increased pulse and pulmonary edema appeared.
15~20 ppm Small animals die within 2 hours.
50 ppm Danger for human life within 1 hour.

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