Corporate Philosophy
(Corporate Ethics Rules)

Corporate Philosophy

  1. Obey the law and respect society rules of fair conduct.
  2. Accomplish our social responsibilities as a corporate citizen through open and fair corporate activities.
  3. Pursue a mission of providing quality, safe products, giving the highest priority to health, safety and environmental protection.

Business Conduct Guidelines

  • The Guidelines set forth below provide shared values and beliefs necessary for each individual to understand the issues and situations, make correct decisions and take prompt action in the daily course of their work duties, allowing them to respond to the trust and expectations placed in Nikki-Universal by our customers, society, our shareholders, and all other stakeholders. Officers and employees should read and understand these Guidelines.
  • These Guidelines not only call for compliance with the law and social norms as a corporate citizen, but also conduct always in keeping with social perspectives, making a positive contribution to society. In so doing, we have made clear our determination to earn the trust of our customers and all stakeholders, one of the most valuable assets of a corporation.

Applicable Scope

All Nikki-Universal officers and employees (including contract employees, part-time employees, and temporary staff).

1. Obedience to the Law and Company Rules

  • Obey the letter and spirit of relevant statutes (laws, ordinances, company rules, etc.), and engage in appropriate conduct in light of social norms.

2. Open and Fair Corporate Activities

  • In our mutual relationships with all stakeholders, Nikki-Universal shall conduct corporate activities honestly, fairly, and in good faith.
  • Make maximum use of our experience and expertise, acting with integrity in business to earn the trust of society.
  • Participate in proactive competition, understanding that ensuring fair and free competition is a fundamental rule in the market.
  • Maintain a transparent and fair relationship with the government and related agencies.

3. Relationship with Business Partners

  • Establish and maintain healthy, fair relationships with business partners, having mutual respect for the other's position, and treating each other as equals.
  • Make a fair selection of the best business partners, comparing and assessing candidates according to price, expertise, quality, services, and other factors.
  • Never sacrifice company profits by seeking personal gain.

4. Gifts and Entertainment

  • Regardless of the nature of the business relationship, ensure that gifts and entertainment received do not exceed the scope of normal business etiquette. 

5. Conflicts of Interest

  • Avoid any circumstances in which personal interests conflict with the interests of Nikki-Universal.
  • Act in the best interests of Nikki-Universal, rather than in personal self-interest, when dealing with customers, potential customers (organizations, individuals), suppliers, subcontractors, or competitors.

6. Antisocial Organizations, Individuals

  • Have no contact whatsoever with antisocial forces or organizations that threaten the social order and/or safety.

7. Health, Safety, Environmental Protection, and Quality Assurance

  • Nikki-Universal shall not manufacture, handle, use, or sell any product not produced in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
  • Place the highest priority on protecting health, safety, and the environment, assessing operations risk in every stage. Design facilities to prevent damages, acquire the necessary technologies, and properly manage operations, including those of affiliated companies.
  • Provide products that assure the quality demanded by customers.
  • Actively contribute to environmental protection and a sustainable society through unending technological innovation and creative business development.

8. Company Information and Intellectual Assets

  • Handle sensitive company information or information regarding other companies obtained through work duties with due care; do not use such information for purposes other than official work duties.
  • Be accurate and honest in recording and/or reporting information related to work duties.
  • Do not maintain important company information (information that may impact company assets in the case of external leakage or if such information is not disclosed by the individual, etc.) obtained through work duties on personal equipment, media, etc.

9. Workplace Environment

  • Maintain a sound workplace environment, creating a corporate culture that respects the individuality/personality of the individual, and naturally allows them to exercise their creativity.